2010-2011 Iowa Test results

Approximately 357,000 Arkansas students in kindergarten through ninth grade took the Iowa Test of Basic Skills, a nationally standardized test, last spring. The Iowa test compares the achievement level of Arkansas students to a national sample of students who took the same test. The results are reported in percentiles and the 50th percentile is considered the national average.

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NPR-School National Percentile Rank (NPR) on the given subject area of the Iowa test of Basic Skills (ITBS) calculated by taking the average of the Normal Curve Equivalent (NCE) scores for the given (Subject) ITBS Subtest (Reading, Mathematics, Language, and Science) and applying the following calculation in Microsoft Excel to produce the NPR: =100*NORMSDIST((NCE-50)/21.06), where "50" represents the NCE mean and 21.06 represents the NCE Standard Deviation http://www.arkansased.org/testing/test_scores.html

Overall School NPR-Overall School National Percentile Rank (NPR) was calculated by taking the average of the Normal Curve Equivalent (NCE) scores for each ITBS Subtest (Reading, Language, and Mathematics) and applying the following calculation in Microsoft Excel to produce the NPR: =100*NORMSDIST((NCE-50)/21.06), where "50" represents the NCE mean and 21.06 represents the NCE Standard Deviation http://www.arkansased.org/testing/test_scores.html

Overall School NCE-This score is an average of the four individual ITBS subtests (in Reading, Mathematic, Language, and Science - weighted by the number of students taking each subtest).

Similar Schools Group -"The School Category variable is a number created to group schools that are similar with regard to grades served and poverty level. This category was created to develop our Similar Schools Rating variable in the main database. The number before the decimal point indicates the school grade configuation based on the following rules:
1 = Primary School (maximum grade in the school is 3)
2 = Elementary School (minimum grade K, 1, 2, 3, or 4, and a maximum grade of 4, 5, or 6)
3 = Middle School (minimum grade of 4, 5, or 6 and maximum grade of 7)
4 = Junior High School (minimum grade of 6 or 7 and maximum grade of 7 or 8)
There were also 17 “comprehensive schools” such as K-8 or K-12 schools that we included in category 4 above."

Similar Schools Rating (NCE Score)-Similar Schools Rating is a number that indicates the difference (positive or negative) between the ACTUAL school NCE score from the overall NCE mean of your Similar Schools Group. For example, a school in the dataset with an ACTUAL NCE score of 58.88 and their Similar Schools Goup mean (say, a 2.1 – or a low-poverty middle school) was 60.38, the Similar Schools Rating score for this school is -3 points (rounded).
Mean NCE score of each Similar Schools Group:
Primary Middle
1.1 – 61.59 3.1 – 55.43
1.2 – 59.42 3.2 – 52.21
1.3 – 55.25 3.3 – 45.97
Elementary Junior High
2.1 – 60.38 4.1 – 55.37
2.2 – 54.81 4.2 – 51.80
2.3 – 47.98 4.3 – 46.80

Similar Schools Rating (NPR Score)-Similar Schools Rating is a number that indicates the difference (positive or negative) between the ACTUAL school NPR score from the overall NPR mean of your Similar Schools Group. For example, a school in the dataset with an ACTUAL NPR score of 58 and their Similar Schools Goup mean (say, a 2.1 – or a low-poverty middle school) was 69, the Similar Schools Rating score for this school is -11 points.
Mean NPR score of each Similar Schools Group:
Primary Middle
1.1 – 71 3.1 – 60
1.2 – 67 3.2 – 54
1.3 – 60 3.3 – 42
Elementary Junior High
2.1 – 69 4.1 – 60
2.2 – 59 4.2 – 53
2.3 – 46 4.3 – 44

School Enrollment-Enrollment for each campus as reported by the Arkansas Dept. of Education http://adedata.arkansas.gov/statewide/Districts/Enrollment.aspx

FRL % -The Provision 2 % FRL represents the actual percent of students qualifying for Free or Reduced lunches in districts with Provision 2 designation http://adesharepoint2.arkansas.gov/memos/Lists/Approved%20Memos/DispForm2.aspx?ID=235

School % by Race-Percent of student body of a given race calculated by dividing number of students of that race by overall district enrollment http://adedata.arkansas.gov/statewide/Schools/EnrollmentRaceGender.aspx

School Overall % Minority-Percent of minority (non-white) students calculated by dividing the total school minority enrollment by the overall school enrollment

School Poverty Index-The Poverty Index Range is a poverty indicator that better represents the true situation, giving greater weight to students in greater need. http://adedata.arkansas.gov/statewide/Finance/PovertyIndex.aspx

Region-Region in Arkansas in which school is located

Number of Student Tested (Subject)-Number of students who took a given exam where (Subject) indicates the subject area of the exam

(Subject) NPR-National Percentile Rank (NPR) was calculated by taking the school average of the Normal Curve Equivalent (NCE) scores for the given (Subject) ITBS Subtest (Reading, Language, and Mathematics) and applying the following calculation in Microsoft Excel to produce the NPR: =100*NORMSDIST((NCE-50)/21.06), where "50" represents the NCE mean and 21.06 represents the NCE Standard Deviation

Subject) NCE-District average Normal Curve Equivalent (NCE) scores for a given ITBS Subtest (Subject)

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