The map below shows potholes that have been reported in Little Rock in 2018. The markers in green show reports that have been closed, such as after a pothole has been repaired. The ones marked in red are still open. Data last updated March 7, 2018.

Average time for pothole reports to be closed by ward

Little Rock data lists the time each pothole was reported and the time the report was closed. We found the difference between those two times for all the closed pothole reports so far this year, and then calculated averages by ward:

Ward 1: 2.92 days
Ward 2: 4.06 days
Ward 3: 3.93 days
Ward 4: 2.78 days
Ward 5: 3.78 days
Ward 6: 2.98 days
Ward 7: 3.45 days
Citywide: 3.47 days