Much of Obama's lead survives

Clinton narrows gap in delegates by a mere dozen

Barack Obama regained lost ground in the battle for Democratic convention delegates on Wednesday on the basis of Texas caucuses results, taking some of the sting out of Hillary Rodham Clinton's primary victories Tuesday.

Late returns showed Clinton emerged from victories in Rhode Island, Texas and Ohio with a minimal delegate gain on Obama, who won the Vermont primary.

Overall, Clinton narrowed the difference between her and Obama by 12 delegates, according to The Associated Press count.

The two presidential contenders made the rounds of the morning television news shows, agreeing on little - except that their campaigns will continue at least until the Pennsylvania primary on April 22.

That gives them six weeks for public campaigning, and for private appeals to party leaders, known as superdelegates, who attend the national convention but are not chosen in primaries or caucuses.

For more information see today's Arkansas Democrat-Gazette.

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