Jury convicts Guandique of murdering Chandra Levy

A jury has found Salvadoran immigrant Ingmar Guandique (gwahn-DEE’-kay) guilty of murdering Washington intern Chandra Levy back in 2001, when her disappearance became a national sensation.

Guandique was convicted of two counts of first-degree murder for attacking Levy while she exercised in Washington’s Rock Creek Park in May 2001. Her disappearance made headlines when she was romantically linked with then-Rep. Gary Condit, D-Calif. Condit was once a suspect but police no longer believe he was involved.

Investigators eventually focused on Guandique and brought formal charges last year. Prosecutors acknowledged they had little direct evidence but said Levy’s death fit a pattern of other crimes committed by Guandique in Washington’s Rock Creek Park.

The defense argued that Guandique became a scapegoat for a botched investigation.

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