Check your knowledge

— 1. Name the singer with the nickname “Coal Miner’s Daughter.” 2. Antwerp is a city in what European country?

3. What is the highest noncommissioned officer rank in the U.S. Army?

4. Provide the dominant ingredient of charcoal.

5. Who wrote Anna Karenina?

6. In dry measure, does a peck contain four, six or eight quarts?

7. What is the monetary unit of Mexico?

8. Was English novelist George Eliot a man or a woman?

9. Where in the body is the spleen?

10. Who is credited with inventing the telegraph?

Answers 1. Loretta Lynn 2. Belgium 3. Sergeant major of the army 4. Carbon 5. Leo Tolstoy 6. Eight quarts 7. Peso 8. A woman 9. It’s in the upper left section of the abdomen.

10. Samuel F.B. Morse, in the 1830s

Family, Pages 37 on 11/24/2010

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