Young writers find voice during 'NaNoWriMo'

Hush little baby, but tell us a tale.

National Novel Writing Month, also known as "NaNoWriMo," is an 11-year-old online campaign that encourages people to write a "novel" during the month of November, as Bobby Ampezzan reports in Wednesday's Family section.

Though initially an unguided writing exercise for adults, it has been adapted for young people and their teachers.

“I’ve got a fourth of a page,” said 13-year-old Chris Zimmerman of North Little Rock, as the ides of November approached. “I’ve read all these books, and I tried to write a book before. But I look back, and it doesn’t work for me.”

Success is measured in words and words only. Fifty thousand of them for adults — that’s 1,667 words a day. But for Chris and the other advanced-placement students in Tim Sisk’s English class at LISA (Little Scholars of Arkansas) Academy in Sherwood, it’s a more imaginable 8,000 words.

Read tomorrow's Arkansas Democrat-Gazette for full details.

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