Film shoot mix-up leads to police intervention in Conway

A film shoot almost turned into real-life drama in Conway recently.

According to the Conway Police Department, officers were called to on a report of men with guns blocking the road on Saturday night.

When officers arrived, they found one man tied up, while four others looked as if they were attempting to break into a house. All five were in a ditch when officers approached them, guns drawn, and ordered them to get on the ground.

Additional units were called in by the officers, who also discovered what they thought to be two assault rifles at the feet of the suspects. They turned out to be imitations. At that point, authorities called off the emergency.

After further inspection and questioning, it was discovered the situation wasn't a kidnapping or home invasion, but a film shoot for a number of students at Hendrix College. The students were let go without any charges being filed.

According to a spokesman with Conway police, students at the colleges in the area normally give authorities a heads up when they'll be shooting scenes for a movie in public. This time, the students didn't, which caused the confusion.

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