MovieStyle: What's next? The Silmarillion?

When Peter Jackson announced he planned to split J.R.R. Tolkien's relatively slim The Hobbit into a second trilogy (after the highly successful Lord of the Rings triptych), some people were skeptical.

After all, The Hobbit is relatively short — about half as long as The Fellowship of the Ring, the Tolkien novel that served at the source material for the first installment of the original trilogy. Was there really enough material in The Hobbit to support a more than eight-hour experience? Our Piers Marchant ponders the question in his review of what may be the last cinematic exploration of Middle Earth for a while in this week's MovieStyle.

We've also got a hip-hop Annie for the 21st century, another Ben Stiller Night at the Museum movie and the could-be classic horror film The Babadook opening this week.

Read all about them in this week's MovieStyle.

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