Arkansas Weekend: For kicks and a cause

The big, red ball is a symbol of playgrounds, either a fond reminder of childhood games or the stuff of lingering nightmares. Most people wouldn’t necessarily equate kickball with community service. But they should, Jennifer Nixon writes in Thursday's Arkansas Weekend Section.

For the Little Rock Kickball Association — which offers leagues for Laid Back, Novice, Intermediate and Competitive players — it’s not all about running, kicking and dodging. Participants raise money for charities through their Big Red Ball Charitable Foundation. Friday, they’ll unite a passion for foamy beverages and a passion for fundraising at the first Big Red Ball Homebrew Contest.

Read about this event and others, including the the grand opening of the Ron Robinson Theater in the Central Arkansas Library System’s new Arcade Building, and the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette Bridal Show, in tomorrow's newspaper.

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