
Perplexed over hate

How can Muslims who all agree with the prophet Mohammed and revere his holy book, the Koran, disagree so much with each other on the successor to Mohammed as to hate each other so deeply to the point of killing one another, and calling each other infidels, a term reserved for everyone who does not believe in the Koran?

What happened recently in Iraq is illustrative of the divide. Faced with the desolation of their country, they again chose to hate instead.

Is this unbelievable? Where are the leaders who will unite Shias and Sunnis to be an effective governing force? Iraq has had a leader who has done nothing to bridge this gap for eight years. Did we not see this squandered opportunity? Is there no end to this hatred?

I would love to hear a reasoned reply devoid of hatred. In the meantime, I will pray for my Muslim brothers.


Hot Springs Village

An immigration fix

I have heard for years that our immigration system is broken, but I never hear specifically which part is broken. Could it be that the federal government does not enforce existing immigration law? That part seems to be broken.

Here is my solution to the problem. Close the border. Bring in the National Guard, military or whatever is necessary. Adopt the exact same laws that Mexico applies to anyone entering Mexico. Repeal the law that allows citizenship to children born in the United States to noncitizens.

Next, stop the flood of unaccompanied minors. Repeal the 2008 trafficking law that is encouraging these children to be sent to America.

Stop all foreign aid and commercial trade with Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala until this problem is stopped.

Levy heavy fines on all businesses that employ illegal immigrants. Enforce our immigration laws without exception. Unregistered and uninsured vehicles driven by unlicensed drivers should result in heavy fines. Repeat offenders should get jail time.

After the border is under control at a level acceptable to the American people, we can begin a discussion of what to do with the millions of undocumented people in our country. This discussion should not include amnesty in any form.

Actually, if these suggested laws were enforced, I doubt there would be enough illegal immigrants remaining in America to merit a conversation.

I believe the flow of people, drugs, gang members, disease and criminals will continue if we do not take these immediate steps.



A real war on drugs

Why hasn't the United States government done more since the '60s to stop the flow or destroy the source of incoming drugs from Colombia and Mexico?

Why haven't we napalmed the coca plant fields in Colombia and the marijuana fields in Mexico? Why is our Air Force practicing touch-and-go missions in central Arkansas instead of flying reconnaissance of our southern borders of California, Arizona and Texas? Why aren't more observation drones being used in this so-called war on drugs?

Why aren't there Hellfire missiles raining down on fields of the drug cartels of Mexico and Colombia?

I suspect there are powerful United States government players as well as rich businessmen protecting this drug trade. Several generations of our youth have been victimized and even killed by drugs from these two countries. Go to war today. Declare a real "war on drugs," dammit!

To actually destroy the illegal drug trade would benefit U.S. citizens' health and economy by diminishing illegal-drug-related crimes and victims. Imagine an illegal-drug-free American work force.

The wake of destruction in Mexico and Colombia could flourish a rebuilding of government, infrastructure, communities and livelihoods. Innocent Mexicans and Colombians could build legitimate farms and businesses, promote new and better jobs, and once again have purpose and opportunities to establish a better environment and inheritance for themselves in their country of origin.

Isn't that what they really want? No more need to flee across U.S. borders.

Sometimes "war" is good.



To maintain standard

Why do people look up when they pray? Is God out among the stars?

Jesus taught that God is a spirit, and those who worship him must worship in the spirit. The great religions of the world teach that God is a spirit of love, and that he dwells in the hearts of people. We are all connected to God and each other in the spirit. Jesus taught that you must love all people, even your enemies. In the Judgment of the Nations, Jesus said, "what you did not do for one of these least ones, you did not do for me."

The global market is reallocating middle-class jobs to the poor nations of the world. Automation and the off-shoring of jobs will continue to reduce jobs in this country.

If we do not invest in our nation and our children, we will become a land of poor people ruled by a few rich people. Our middle class will disappear. Our civilization will crumble, and we will fight for the crumbs from the tables of the rich.

Pope Francis has criticized capitalism for its failure to provide social and economic justice, both at home and abroad. The industrialized West cannot compete with the low wages in developing nations. Money will flow to where it can make the biggest profit.

If we want to compete and maintain our standard of living, we must educate all our children through college. That requires that we take care of all our children. The care and education of the next generation is a national responsibility. We will do this together or become a Third World country.

God is love. He is not out there. He is in our hearts.



Begin with the fence

It doesn't matter if you blame the president or Congress for illegal aliens sneaking across the border. Before the country can have a serious discussion on immigration reform, first stop the leak then start the cleanup.

Three parallel 10-foot fences with the middle one electrified seems like a good start, and a well-armed border patrol while it is being built will do as a thumb in the hole as the fence is erected.



Editorial on 07/21/2014

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