
That's not leadership

I believe President Barack Obama, as a black man, has missed his opportunity to be a great black president. He will not join the ranks of Booker T. Washington or Frederick Douglas. He seems to have the formula to shinny out of all of his many scandals that occur, one after another. That might be clever, but it is not leadership. He is a divider.

I feel no pride, only fright and frustration at the direction our country is taking. I am beginning to understand why the German people said they were unaware of Hitler's real intentions.

It seems to be easy to be taken over without a shot being fired. God bless America.

Now that I have mentioned God and black, am I published?



Didn't deserve abuse

I think there are none so blind as those who will not see how wonderful our President Barack Obama is. It hurts me and it must hurt him a lot to read the horrible things that are being said about him, and I feel sorry for him.

But I believe he has suffered the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune with great dignity, graciousness and aplomb. In my humble opinion, he can almost walk on water. He is a decent man, a loving husband and father, and he tops it all off with a huge sense of humor.

I think his detractors can't find anything really bad about him so they make stuff up. When he said, "If you have insurance you like, you can keep it," he was called a liar. The insurance companies started booting people out of their policies. Just where was the lie there?

I believe President Obama didn't lie. I can't say that he does not lie because we all do. The Bible says, "Any man that says he does not lie is already a liar."

President Obama was telling us that we could keep our insurance because he was not going to force us to take his plan. That's all. Plain and simple!

We Democrats love him and when we see him walking like he has the weight of the world on his skinny shoulders, we pray that things will get better. As long as he has that big beautiful smile on his face, he will be okay. And we will be okay too.



Does it apply to him?

I wonder if Brenda Looper's explanation of the proper meaning and use of the word "responsible" (or "irresponsible," by logical extension of the discussion) applies to John Brummett and his use of the words toward the politicians, parties, and groups who reflect (or not) his point of view.



Suspect endorsement

What is Sheriff Andy Shock doing endorsing Tom Cotton? I thought it was unethical for law enforcement officers to endorse candidates.

I guess the Koch brothers' offer was too tempting. I bet the rest of the sheriffs around the state don't appreciate it.

I personally wish we had a third candidate. I don't think either one of them is worth a darn, but I think Mark Pryor is the best of two evils.


Mount Ida

The color of reality

I was watching television recently and enduring the endless barrage of political advertisements when one salvo caused me to do a double-take. The ad was for Mark "Old Boot" Pryor in which one gentleman said, "Mark was one of the few senators who stood up to President Obama."

I have a question for that gentleman: Sir, what color is the sky in your world?



Go through process

I have been under the impression that we lived in a democracy. I thought that it was a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. However, it seems that we are a country under the control of a different type of government that shuns the will of the people. A government that overrides the majority votes of the people by ruling them unconstitutional. This is a very dangerous situation.

I believe we are in a fight right now not for the rights of a certain group of people, but for the democratic process. The people of many states voted on an amendment to their constitution banning same-sex marriage. The people of Arkansas drafted their amendment, had it approved by the state's attorney general's office, gathered the required number of voter signatures, and then put it to the people for a vote. The amendment passed with a 75 percent majority vote.

If we do in fact live in a democracy, I believe it is the Supreme Court justices' sworn duty to reinstate each state's legally passed amendments and nullify each and every same-sex marriage that took place.

If the homosexuals want to get married legally, they should go through the same political process that the people of Arkansas went through to put their amendment on the ballot. I believe this is the only legal way to handle this situation.

We all have the same rights under the U.S. Constitution. Just because some choose to live a certain lifestyle doesn't entitle them to special rights. But if they do desire special rights allowing them to marry, let them go through the political process to obtain them.



A break from politics

It is summer and vacation time. Please, no more political ads on the media. Take a break from it all. Respect families' interests in their own matters. By November, we will be totally turned off by it all.

I will vote for the candidates who speak honestly at all times and who share with the voters their individual plans for improvement in their offices.

This nation is best served with honorable representatives of their districts. Votes for the folks back home are the mark of true servanthood. The promise to uphold the Constitution of the U.S. and Arkansas is required of each elected person.

Show by example to us all that you are truly committed to the best for our state and nation and each individual in your district.

Thank you for your willingness to run for office. It requires a dedicated person.


Little Rock

Not representing us

Did everyone take note that Sen. Mark Pryor voted for the Senate bill to nullify the Supreme Court's decision in favor of Hobby Lobby? Mr. Pryor must believe that employers should be forced to provide abortion-inducing contraceptives to employees, even if it does violate their religious faith and convictions.

I just do not believe that Senator Pryor represented the heart and soul of Arkansas in this matter. He says that he listens to Arkansas. Think so? May I refer you to his vote for Obamacare, which most Arkansans did not want?



Editorial on 07/24/2014

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