
RIP late-night listings

The latest example of problems with having only one newspaper--no longer are television shows after midnight listed in the Sunday guide.

I called and was told the "good old boys upstairs" decided to omit this information. I guess there aren't any "good old girls."

I said many people worked shifts and watched late-night TV or are just natural night owls. I was told it most likely would not be back.

I think this is just another example of this monopoly making changes, customers be damned. You'd think as newspapers across the country struggle to stay alive, the Democrat-Gazette would be more user-friendly.


Little Rock

Bright lights, big pain

Is there a support group for headlight trauma? I'm sure I'm not the only victim of the "too many, too bright" disorder.

I'm aware that drivers don't control how bright automakers decide headlights should be. But they can control how many lights they add to the front and top of their vehicles, and when they use those lights.

So, unless you're hunting big game on the interstate, please keep the lighting to a reasonable wattage. And if you really need all those lights, all on highbeam settings, in order to see where you're going, maybe driving after dark is something you should reconsider.



Blame is widespread

In a guest column appearing in the Perspective section, Dr. Kathryn Chenault implies that only government intervention is to blame for rising health-care costs. Though the paperwork she mentions does indeed sound onerous and costly, why doesn't she think any other party is to blame?

Why shouldn't we be angry that the highest-paid employees at many hospitals aren't even physicians, but CEOs? Why does a hospital need to have a CEO? Are they businesses, or places of healing? Why shouldn't we be angry with insurers? They were so famous in offering sham policies that oversight of that industry has bipartisan support. Why not medical schools, who raise tuition higher and higher, leading to higher demanded salaries from graduates?

Dr. Chenault can't put this solely on government shoulders. She may not like paperwork, but it's found in more quarters than she seemed willing to admit.


North Little Rock

A history of scandals

Oh what a terrible administration, worst president ever, constant scandals, totally incompetent, blah, blah.

Considered the most corrupt administration ever, with over 138 officials investigated, indicted or convicted. Scandals in HUD and the EPA.

The national debt tripled. Raised the debt ceiling 17 times.

Launched the greatest arms race in history. Sold arms to the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Gave support to insurgents in a foreign country, although against U.S. law.

Deregulated financial institutions, after which 747 of them failed and had to be bailed out at a cost to taxpayers of $125 billion.

In April of one year, suicide bombers attacked a U.S. embassy and killed 63 embassy staff. In October that same year, a truck bomb killed 241 Marines and service personnel at a Marine compound. A special investigation found that Marine officers had not taken proper steps to protect the barracks. Both attacks took place in Beirut, Lebanon.

No, this was not Barack Obama. It was Ronald Reagan.



Confuses teachings

In his recent letter, Ruud DuVall apparently makes the all-too-common mistake of confusing Christ's teachings with the policies of the Democratic Party.

The Bible does command individuals and the church to care for the poor. Such work is voluntary, done with compassion and dignity. But nowhere did Jesus say that it was the state's job to forcibly take from the haves and give to the have-nots. I believe such confiscatory practices run counter to the biblical work ethic and, as a result, actually perpetuate poverty. Our government has poured trillions of dollars into the so-called war on poverty, and the welfare rolls have never been bigger.

I think what is even worse about these leftist programs is the mindset they instill in their victims: You can't make it on your own. You need the government to help you. Just vote for me and don't worry about the details. That is neither love nor compassion. It is enslavement.

It seems liberals appeal to the lowest aspects of our nature, fear, selfishness and envy, and use demagoguery to manipulate the electorate. Conservatives appeal to the higher angels of our character: love of God, country and family; hard work and the American dream; less dependency on government; and individual responsibilities as well as personal liberty. For DuVall to call that hate and the other Christian love, I find appalling.


Little Rock

Carbon fee necessity

Thank you for Shelley Buonaiuto's wake-up call to us Sleeping Beauties to enact a state-level carbon fee and dividend as a way to meet the new EPA Clean Power Plan.

These fees on carbon pollution would all be returned to Arkansas families. The amount of the dividend would slowly rise to about $300 per month for a family of four by 2025. That is cash in your pocket every month! That should appeal to most Arkansas voters, and it makes the carbon fee and dividend possible.

Now we all know people who don't want to be bothered with the climate crises, people who practice conspicuous consumption, people who think global warming is a conspiracy between Al Gore and all the thermometers, people who don't care about your grandchildren, people who want to mutiny against the EPA regulations, people who deny the science of reality. You know these people; they make the carbon fee and dividend necessary.

The Arkansas carbon fee and dividend is not only possible, it is necessary.


Eureka Springs

Musings at random

Another "special election" in Elkins this time. Just like the Springdale election for the baseball stadium, or the state road bonds, I think the only reason for these so-called special elections is to minimize voter turnout and ramrod the issue through with little voter turnout. Same with school elections.

It seems Iraq did still have WMDs. Look it up.

Why are nonpartisan judicial elections held during the party primaries? Likely to reduce the number of voters.

Taxpayer funds should not be used to fund primaries. Parties are a scourge on democracy.

I believe state judges have no authority to rule under the U.S. Constitution. This is reserved for federal judges. Constitutional amendments are constitutional by definition. Regardless of where you stand on gay marriage, can you imagine if a federal judge ruled the First or 14th Amendments unconstitutional?


Prairie Grove

Editorial on 06/26/2014

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