Super Quiz: Ends in "U"

Super Quiz: Ends in U

  1. A Greek tourist island

  2. India's first prime minister

  3. French word used to say "farewell"

  4. A native of India

  5. A Japanese lyric verse form

  6. A sluggish stream that meanders through marshes

  7. The pharaoh who built the Great Pyramid of Giza

  8. A variety of pear with green skin

  9. A language group of central and southern Africa


  1. Corfu

  2. Jawaharlal Nehru

  3. Adieu

  4. Hindu

  5. Haiku

  6. Bayou

  7. Khufu

  8. Anjou

  9. Bantu

Weekend on 05/22/2014

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