Common varieties

The versatile fruits grow in clusters on vines and vary in shape from perfectly round to oblong. Eighty varieties of table grapes are grown in California, where 99 percent of the United States’ table grape crop is grown, but only a dozen or so are commonly found in grocery stores.

Autumn Royal: These large, blue-black seedless grapes are oval shaped and available August-January.

Autumn King: This very large green grape is cylindrical to oval and contains no seeds. Look for it September-December.

Blanc Seedless: This very large seedless green grape is sometimes sold under the trademarked name Pristine. It is available September-December.

Cotton Candy: This super-sweet seedless green grape has a flavor reminiscent of cotton candy. Its short season is early August-late September. Bonus trivia: This variety was created in part at the University of Arkansas.

Crimson Seedless: These seedless red berries are medium-size and cylindrical. Look for them August-January.

Flame Seedless: This seedless round red grape is available May-November.

Princess: This large, green seedless grape is available June-December.

Red Globe: These very large, very round seeded red berries are available August-January.

Scarlet Royal: These large, oval grapes are available July-November.

Summer Royal: These round to slightly oval blueblack grapes are medium in size and contain no seeds. Look for them June-October.

Thompson Seedless: This medium-to-large green grape is the one many of us think of when we think of green grapes. They take on a slightly amber hue when left to ripen fully on the vine. Look for them June-December.

Vintage Red: This large, red, elongated seedless grape is available September-December.

Sources: California Table Grape Commission and The Los Angeles Times

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