
If they had to enlist

What would the response to the so-called Iran proposal be if any congressman that chooses war instead of peace would have to enlist and fight in such war? This appears to be another case of elected officials bombarding their base with tough talk instead of sincere service.

Constituents prefer that you focus more on producing jobs, protecting our environment, encouraging and supporting scientific developments to improve our health and living conditions. If the Middle East wants to embroil itself in war, let it. There is not a country or leader in that area that cares more about the USA than they do about themselves, especially Prime Minister Netanyahu.


Little Rock

Right to be free of it

Freddy Boen in a recent letter remarked that he would not knowingly do business with a same-sex couple. As a pastor, he is on safe ground refusing LGBTQ services--providing a church home, marriages, celebrating milestones, comforting the ill, dying and grieving, etc. All because the division of church and state are in fact, in his favor.

Regardless, it has never been the wish of the LGBTQ community to force any church to accept us inside their doors or creed. The truth is there are many churches who do welcome LGBTQ members with loving arms.

What is done under the auspices of religious preference is not only harmful, it is deadly! With the interpretation of some's religion, LGBTQ people are denied access to employment, housing, and public accommodations. They endure verbal and physical assaults, rape and even murder. Young people are killing themselves, often believing God does not love them.

Those coming to America escaping religious persecution almost immediately instituted the same behavior. Puritans persecuting Quakers, Protestants against Catholics, both against Jews, Baptists against Baptists, etc. Religion supported the Salem witch hunts, manifest destiny, slavery, oppressing women, etc. And still it is used to deprive some of their unalienable rights.

I support the rights of churches, even those excluding LGBTQ people. But I don't support religious preferences being allowed to dictate civil law. In America we have the right of religious freedom. Often forgotten is that we also have the right to be free from religion.


Little Rock

Shame of prejudice

During my time spent in the military, I was ribbed many times by my fellow comrades about my being from Arkansas. I was always proud of my hillbilly roots. I am still proud to be an Arkansan.

However, I do find instances in which I am ashamed of our state. Those times are: when Arkansas sided with the South during the Civil War, when Arkansas refused the right for same-sex marriages; and the Arkansas Legislature passing House Bill 1228.

These are examples of Arkansas not accepting all persons as equals. The shame is they use religion as their God-given right to discriminate.



Keep us free, strong

I noticed you have received a lot of letters about Tom Cotton. Some agree with him, some don't. To me, his aggressive attitude is a breath of fresh air. I think his opinions are food for thought.

He simply doesn't want our enemies to have an advantage over us. He doesn't want a bad nuclear deal with Iran. He doesn't want Americans beheaded. He doesn't want women and children murdered. He doesn't want 12-year-old girls raped. He doesn't want people burned alive. He doesn't want people buried alive.

Sounds like my kind of senator.

While I have the podium, have you ever heard of ISIS threatening Russia or China? No. I think the reason is simple: ISIS is scared of them. They know Russia and China would laugh at them. ISIS is afraid of their strength; ISIS would rather kill women and children.

I remember when America was the strongest nation in the world and had worldwide respect. We have slipped badly the past six years. If we don't quit running scared, I'll worry about America. If America doesn't regain its strength and respect soon, we are in trouble beyond belief. We need to toughen up quickly. Some countries don't respect or respond to anything but strength. Why is that so hard for some people to understand?

I love America and hope we will always be free and strong. I think Tom Cotton is a good American and will do his best to keep us free and strong.



Explore alternatives

Unchecked corporate greed, environmental degradation, out-of-control political correctness, blind patriotism, decades-long unnecessary wars, religious zealots trying to legislate morality, failing educational systems, and extreme partisan politics are the rule of the day. Devotion to two-party politics has gotten us to this point in America.

It's time we embraced something different in this country. It's time to wake up, America. While the true power structures within both parties keep us at each other's throats, we are being robbed of a better way of life. Seek out the alternatives for yourself. Don't buy into the garbage being dished out by the media. Don't be afraid to speak out when the authority structures you've relied on your whole life have sold out.

It's only going to get worse if we remain complacent.


Rose Bud

Perilous, poisonous

According to the dictionary, a cottonmouth snake is (a) a poisonous snake, dangerous, found in the Southern United States. Highly toxic, causes severe destruction.

Or possibly (b) Tom Cotton, freshman senator from Arkansas, aka Cottonmouth!



Editorial on 04/14/2015

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