Super Quiz: Board Games

  1. By what name is checkers known in England?

  2. How many pieces does each player begin with in chess?

  3. What type of checkers can be played by two, three, four or six players?

  4. What term is used for the black and white playing pieces in Go?

  5. A Scrabble board has how many squares on each edge of the board?

  6. How many categories of questions are there in Trivial Pursuit?

  7. In this two-player game, one player uses X's and the other uses O's.

  8. How many pieces does each player control in a game of Stratego?

  9. Complete the name of the board game: Settlers of --------


  1. Draughts

  2. 16

  3. Chinese checkers

  4. Stones

  5. 15

  6. Six

  7. Tic-tac-toe

  8. 40

  9. Catan

Food on 04/15/2015

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