Helpful Hints

DEAR HELOISE: I saw a suggestion sent in by a reader for leaving a baby sitter a list of instructions. Certainly, having this list available is important, but the most important information, which should be posted by every telephone, is the address of the residence.

The person (baby sitter) who is calling 911 often may not reside at the location and has no idea where emergency help should be sent. And often during an emergency, even the homeowner may have trouble thinking of the address.

-- Susie D. in Texas

DEAR READER: How right you are, and minutes saved can save a life.

Readers, did you know that if you call 911 from your cellphone, they do not know exactly where you are? It's not like on TV shows and movies. Also, what if you are in a high-rise apartment building with hundreds of apartments?

Most 911 call centers cannot locate a cellphone call and cannot read a text message. Know where you are, state so at the beginning of the call and give your phone number.

P.S.: I hope you never have to use this service.

DEAR HELOISE: Water seeped under a saucer placed under a plant on my hardwood floor. I thought I had protected the floor, but now it is stained with dark rings. Do you have a hint that can reduce those rings?

-- Sylvia O., Rockville, Md.

DEAR READER: It sounds like you are dealing with a mold or mildew stain instead of just a regular water stain, because you said it is dark. First, you need to kill the mildew. A simple and safe solution: vinegar. Rub the area with white or apple-cider vinegar on a clean towel, going in the direction of the grain of the wood. Use only a small amount of vinegar, and do not soak the wood -- it might swell. Let the area dry for at least 24 hours, or until dry to the touch.

If the stain isn't completely removed, repeat the steps. This may lighten the wood a little, but just polish the spot with furniture oil once the stain is gone.

Vinegar works on so many things around the house. Have a white ring on clay pots? Scrub the area with undiluted white vinegar to remove the salt buildup.

DEAR HELOISE: I bought a quesadilla maker. It is great. I have a picky eater, and this is a great way to get him involved in making dinner. He can pick whatever he wants on his quesadilla. Now there are no fights about what he won't or will eat. We have fun, too. We use peanut butter and chocolate chips to make a dessert.

-- C.M., via email

Send a money- or time-saving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000; fax to (210) 435-6473; or email

MovieStyle on 04/17/2015

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