
Not those commands

I believe God never told us Gentiles to keep the Ten Commandments. He only gave them to the children of Israel when he delivered them from bondage in Egypt. I'm sure he never expected them to keep the Ten Commandments because he only did it to show them their sins. They broke the first one, "Thou shalt have no other gods before me," while Moses was on the mountain receiving them, and they were making a golden calf from the gold they received when they came out of bondage.

I believe the only two commandments we are supposed to keep are found in the Book of Matthew. Jesus says, "Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets. I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill [the law]."

Please, just save the money and use it for something else because it seems the only ones benefiting from the Ten Commandments are the ones making the monument.


Little Rock

Decalogue discourse

Which of the Ten Commandments applies to child abuse? To rape? To knocking out your wife's teeth? To every sort of violence short of murder?

Substance abuse is not mentioned in the Decalogue, nor reckless driving. What about the love of money, "the root of all evil"?

The commandment "Thou shalt not murder" does not define murder, so I have to take your word for it whether this includes capital punishment, abortion, or war. Since the Bible was written down, hundreds of millions have died in wars, many between Christian nations.

Same-sex relations are not mentioned in the Ten Commandments.

Is it more important to forbid poisoning our common air, land and waters--or to forbid shopping on Sunday? There are hundreds of references in the Bible to compassion and justice for the poor, but the poor are not mentioned in the Decalogue.

Why are there no postings or monuments to the version of the Ten Commandments in Exodus 34?

Why are the Ten Commandments so much more popular than the Sermon on the Mount? Are Christians followers of Christ or of Moses?

Why not erect monuments to The Golden Rule, a nearly universal ethical principle appearing in some form in every world religion?



Hillary and the least

If someone ran in the Democratic primary against Hillary, she could be the lesser of evils.

If two or more Democrats would run against her, she could be the least of evils.

If these candidates would be positioned on the political spectrum to the left and the right of Hillary, then Hillary could run a campaign--Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right ... And you are stuck in the middle with me!

That would be the worst of the evils.



It's just so 'surprising'

Well, Hillary Clinton has "decided" to run for president. Is anyone surprised? If so, I have a little land just east of Bermuda you could buy ... cheap.

Of course Hillary has been the subject of many scandals, from Benghazi (what difference at this point does it make?) to Emailgate where she erased emails, both public and private, from her private server, and now the uranium deal concerning Russia and ties to the Clinton Foundation.

I'm sure many don't even know what I'm referring to.

What amazes me is that anyone would vote for her. Yet there are those who would vote for Beelzebub if he was a Democrat. Why can't people see the facts?

Namely, I believe she's about as transparent as a lead shield. She and Bill are both obsessed by money and power. Her record as secretary of state is abysmal. Previously elected, not once but twice, was a man who wasn't qualified and we know how that's worked out, don't we?

Considering all that Hillary's done, a Republican would be toast, but it seems the media refuses to hold her accountable. Then you have the uninformed who have no clue about the world's situation or just don't care about anything but themselves.

Why trust the security of this nation and its future to Ms. Clinton? Why don't voters see through this charade and reject her obsessive quest to gain even more power and wealth? If she's elected, then Jonathan Gruber's claim that Americans are stupid is true.


North Little Rock

On dictating beliefs

I just read a letter from Jake Tidmore discussing a nightmare he had regarding his wedding. In his dream the wedding was wrecked by a photographer, baker and florist who refused to participate because of the homosexuality of others in the wedding party. Thankfully it was just a dream.

Meanwhile in Oregon and Washington, a baker and florist are living their nightmare. It seems these Christian small businesses and their owners are being destroyed by a vengeful state supported by radical social extremists and complicit courts. Unlike these homosexual couples, they do not have plentiful alternatives.

I believe that when the government dictates what you can believe and worship, we are on extremely thin ice as a free society. Those who wish to employ government and the justice system to destroy others for their honest and sacred beliefs have opened a door, by such action, they will one day seriously regret.

One other comment. I read too many times that Jesus would have no problem celebrating homosexual marriage. It is absolutely true that Jesus did not condemn sinners he encountered, other than those who enriched themselves through abuse of God's law. However, in every instance he encountered a sinner, he invariably told him to repent and sin no more.


Little Rock

Editorial on 04/28/2015

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