
Already feeling tired

It's August 2015. Am I the only one already tired of the 2016 election campaign?

I think of all the things that we need that could be paid for with the time and money spent to do--what?

Future generations will be responsible for repairs to highways, bridges and many other projects. It seems better use could be made of our nation's time, talent and treasure.


Little Rock

Address problem now

I was gratified to see the recent media coverage of the new EPA limits on greenhouse-gas emissions from U.S. power plants. This is one of the most important issues of our time, and it seems Congress is too preoccupied with partisan issues to address this subject.

I believe arguments that these regulations will increase utility costs and hurt the economy are short-sighted. While projections are arguable, one adviser estimates health and economic benefits of the plan are four to seven times greater than the cost of the regulations.

As coal-fired power plants are major contributors to greenhouse-gas emissions, renewables such as wind and solar will be needed to replace coal for power generation. Jobs gained in these industries should more than compensate for jobs lost in fossil-fuel industries.

Regulations alone are likely not adequate to get greenhouse-gas emission levels to an acceptable level in time to mitigate climate change. Additional steps are necessary, such as the carbon fee and dividend plan, as described on the Citizens' Climate Lobby website. This plan will provide economic stimulus, increase investment in renewable energy technology, provide means to soften the impact of higher utility costs on consumers, and will include provisions for border adjustments that would reduce incentives to move industry to locations with more permissive emission standards.

Without rehashing all the doomsday scenarios, the scientific community is nearly unanimous in declaring climate change a serious problem that must be addressed for the sake of future generations.


Bella Vista

The real thing, or not

Advertisers use the word "real" to convince consumers that a product is genuine. Instead, it casts doubt on the product's authenticity.

Consider the ad for a "real gold ring." As the purity of gold is well-defined in terms of karats, to describe a ring as real gold simply raises doubts. Gold is gold; otherwise, it is not.

Recent ads provide more examples of the "real" thing: Furniture ads offer real wood furniture; Lactaid without lactose declares itself real milk; Otezla lets "the real you shine through"; CBS News promises "more real news."

Toss the modifier "real." Either it is gold, wood, milk, you, news, or it is an inferior substitute that someone wants to convince us is the real thing.


North Little Rock

Nope, she's still her

Hillary Clinton paid $600 for a haircut and closed half of a business for her safety. With all this, she still looks like Hillary. There's no improvement.

Louis Burnett, in his letter, had the best description of Hillary for all times.


North Little Rock

Take care of creation

Nearly 60 mayors met at the Vatican in July and made a pledge to urge world leaders to pass a bold agreement that reduces greenhouse-gas emissions to a safe limit for humanity, while protecting poor and vulnerable communities from extreme weather disasters. The promise came a month after Pope Francis released his encyclical on the environment, in which he also called on world leaders to prioritize a reduction in dangerous toxic emissions.

Here in the U.S., we are taking steps together down a path toward a more sustainable future. The Clean Power Plan is a sensible way forward that connects us all in a journey to protect fragile ecosystems that sustain life.

What about me? These developments deepen my personal commitment to a simple lifestyle that is respectful of the balance of the natural world. Because of my faith, I will take steps to change habits of over-consumption that lead to waste and harm my neighbors in need.

Let's not ask world leaders to do what we are unwilling to do. The natural world is a gift we can all appreciate and preserve through choices that demonstrate we care.


North Little Rock

Denying harsh reality

Liberals, denying the truth and reality is a bad thing. For everyone.

In Tuesday's column, it seems John Brummett can't understand why Hillary Clinton is receiving so much criticism. Can it have anything to do with her using a private computer server to conduct the nation's business? John appears to feign ignorance, but he may not be pretending. Compromised national security affects you too, John, not just conservatives.

Another reader, Judith Baum, laments the treatment blacks and Latinos have received at the hands of white America. Poor, helpless blacks are still waiting for equal opportunity and to be welcomed home. I taught in the Little Rock District and the Pulaski County Special School District and witnessed firsthand the many opportunities offered to all students. Attitude was the most important factor of student success, not race. This is also true, on a larger scale, in American society.

Ms. Baum also fears that Latinos, having risked their lives to get here, might not get a fair shake. We are all immigrants, but our ancestors had no choice but to follow the rules, because it would not have been acceptable for the president of the United States to ignore the law. What makes America great is that we are a nation of laws, not men. If we need to increase the numbers of Latinos entering the country, make a law, enforce it, and we will welcome them with open arms. To support anything else is to move the U.S. toward chaos. That is bad for everyone.

The truth, please!



Consult an oncologist

I think Donald Trump is just a symptom of a Republican Party whose cancer has metastasized.



Editorial on 08/09/2015

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