
Disappointment felt

I cannot adequately express my disappointment and disgust upon opening up my paper (which I receive daily) and seeing full-page editorial coverage for Robert E. Lee's birthday. The inclusion of this tribute is a slap in the face to the countless individuals across our great state and country who counted January 19 as a day to celebrate a man who reminded us that "hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." Instead, this tool of mass communication for our state chose to venerate the accomplishments and "honor" of a Civil War general.

Putting aside any leadership capabilities Lee possessed, he did lead troops who were fighting to keep human beings enslaved.

Last Monday was a federal holiday, a day of service, a day to celebrate courage, understanding, education and ... honor. The fact that my paper did not laud these ideals and a man who worked to share each one is truly tragic.


North Little Rock

Weaving a good tale

U.S. Sen. Joni Ernst of Iowa weaved a good story about helping castrate squealing hogs in her march to win her Senate seat. In her rebuttal talk to the State of the Union speech, she wove another good story about wearing bread sacks over her shoes to protect them from snow and rain.

In times past, politicians relished the opportunity to tell us about being born in a log cabin. Now it's more difficult since the cabins have nearly all vanished.

Successful politicians look for good campaign stories and Senator Ernst has found two new ones that her constituents can tie to, and they seem to be working. She's fun to listen to.

What's next?


North Little Rock

Another day to split

Personally, I think that both Robert E. Lee and Martin Luther King were fine men with characteristics worthy of emulation. Neither was a saint.

That said, if you want to separate celebrating their achievements, then also separate Presidents Day and Daisy Bates Day. While Mrs. Bates was a fine woman, she was hardly a George Washington.


North Little Rock

Where the buck stops

Who is really responsible for the condition of our nation as well as the world we live in? Is it the president's fault that we as Americans don't get along? Maybe it's Mike Huckabee's fault because he thought it important enough to degrade the image of two young and successful entertainers--Jay-Z and Beyoncé--with the negative comments he made, such as Jay-Z being Beyoncé's pimp.

Possibly we all have inflated opinions of ourselves and who we are. If our creator has the measuring stick, where would we be on that scale?

To any and all that might read this, pause, go to your closest mirror, and take a good look. That is where the buck stops.


North Little Rock

Fix the district's mess

I hope the state Board of Education will take appropriate action to deal with the Little Rock School District.

Anyone who is up and moving in the early morning hours must notice that our highways and bridges are being taxed to the max by commuters who have left the metro area to find better schools and perceived quality of life in the surrounding urban areas. No telling how much more life we could have in the Interstate 30 and Broadway bridges if we had fewer commuters, and how much better would the city finances be if more folks actually lived here rather than just worked here.

I believe the pathetic state of the Little Rock School District has cost Little Rock dearly in population growth and, more importantly, in new business growth. A chart published recently showed that over 14,000 students attend charter and private schools in this area. Just the top 10 in each category were listed. There are even more, and these figures do not reflect those who are home-schooled.

Parents have choices if they continue living in the city: private, charter or home school if they have the time and money to commit to their child's education. If not, they can move out of central Arkansas, commute to work in Little Rock, or they can stay in the Little Rock School District and suffer the consequences. It's time to fix this mess.


Little Rock

Attitude for the times

I must offer congratulations to Mr. Ellis Williams of England, who expressed in a letter that the Parisian publishers got what they deserve, apparently because they are atheists. It seems he has contributed a new form of terrorism through a warped righteousness, all the while forgetting that "our" God does not condone killing.

And more good news, having completed our time machine, we voted him No. 1 passenger, set to deliver him to the Crusades. Good luck, Ellis. You'll love the 11th Century.



Should be prepared

Mike Anderson has no more control over his basketball team than I do over when and how often my dog barks. I think this fellow is, by far, the most overrated and overpaid coach in America. Razorback fans should prepare themselves for disappointment once again.


Little Rock

Editorial on 01/28/2015

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