
A new day in Little Rock

The school board that mismanaged Little Rock's schools for so many years is now dissolved. The state's Board of Education voted to take control of the district at its meeting Wednesday.

Now . . . the work begins.

The state Board of Education should be commended for its action, especially the four members who voted to take control, and Board chairman Sam Ledbetter, who broke a 4-4 tie. But now's no time for celebration. How can anybody celebrate when so many of Little Rock's schools are failing, and so many kids' futures hang in the balance?

Which brings us to Dr. Dexter Suggs, who was retained as superintendent of the district. Now that he has the school board out of his way, he can begin to implement his ideas. Here's hoping he and his people have good ones. But something tells us it's going to take more than good PowerPoint presentations or memos filled with educanto to pull some of Little Rock's schools up to even adequate.

It's going to take work, caring, work, late nights, work, uncomfortable meetings and work. And that's just for the students.

The adults running the show will have to toil even harder.

Editorial on 01/29/2015

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