Super Quiz: Americana

  1. By what nickname was William Frederick Cody known?
  2. Provide the next word: "Give me your tired, your --------."
  3. How many individuals were marooned on Gilligan's Island?
  4. What name does the Secret Service use to refer to President Obama's armored vehicle?
  5. Which people performed the Ghost Dance?
  6. What was engraved on the plaque Harry S. Truman kept on his White House desk?
  7. By what nickname was baseball player Josh Gibson known?
  8. On the Burma-Shave road sign, what followed "Cooties love bewhiskered places"?
  9. What was the profession of American Charles Bulfinch?


  1. "Buffalo Bill"
  2. Poor
  3. Seven
  4. "The Beast"
  5. American Indians
  6. "The buck stops here."
  7. "The Black Babe Ruth"
  8. "Cuties love the smoothest faces."
  9. Architect

Weekend on 01/29/2015

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