
No exchanges, please

The U.S. Supreme Court has had an interesting week, wouldn't you say? It started off when a majority of the justices said the law says what it doesn't. Interesting, indeed.

But it appears as though Obamacare is here to stay.

One bit of good news, if any can be found in the court's 6-3 ruling: At least now Arkansas won't have to set up its own exchanges for subsidies as more and more people take advantage of Obamacare.

Why would Arkansas even want to? Dispatches show, in state after state, those exchanges have been disasters, costing millions and, even after that, not working properly. Now that folks can get subsidies through the feds, the reasons for Arkansas having its own exchanges have largely gone away.

This whole quagmire of a health-care "reform" was the feds' idea. Let them deal with it. And let the state of Arkansas spend its money elsewhere. Maybe on roads, bridges, schools, public safety, hospitals, courts, levees, parks, forestry, veterans affairs . . . .

Editorial on 06/27/2015

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