Super Quiz: Inventions named after people

  1. A common piece of lab equipment that produces a single open gas flame

  2. A type of portable, prefabricated truss bridge developed during World War II

  3. An amusement ride consisting of a large upright wheel with suspended seats

  4. Machine used to transfer water from a low-lying body of water into irrigation ditches

  5. A scale of wind speed

  6. An inflatable life jacket

  7. A shallow dish used to culture bacteria

  8. Lines to show the level of water when a ship is properly loaded

  9. A device for measuring a person's shoe size


  1. Bunsen burner

  2. Bailey bridge

  3. Ferris wheel

  4. Archimedes' screw

  5. Beaufort scale

  6. Mae West

  7. Petri dish

  8. Plimsoll line

  9. Brannock device

Weekend on 03/26/2015

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