
Becoming the enemy

We shall not name persons, but we shall name, in this case, Catholic Charities.

This country has the experience and capacity to build a tent city, including utilities, medical and even schools, beginning in hours, not weeks or months. We do it for our own military.

Stop and think--I believe those innocent don't really wish to leave their country. They just want protection and help from any and all that will help. If even one American is killed by one Islamist that passed through the Catholic Charities conduit, then I believe this group is the enemy in this war. Yes, we are in a war--perhaps World War III! If that is their intent, continue and become my enemy.

Semper Fi.


Little Rock

Innocent human lives

I believe the weekend terrorist attacks in Paris will be defended by no rational individual; that said, there is a certain asymmetry in the righteous indignation of the West. It seems ISIS is only completing what the liberal Western societies themselves undertook: the wholesale slaughter of innocent human life. There is a glaring incongruity--to put the matter charitably--in not only sanctioning but funding the slaughter of the unborn in legalized abortion and then waxing sanctimonious at the prospect of others taking you at your word.

One can view this as the judgment of God or as simply the inexorable consequences of the new world order we have ourselves decreed. Unless we repent, it will only get worse.


Little Rock

On attaining wisdom

My mixed reaction to Ann McFeatters' "Oh, say, please don't sing" has finally clarified itself. The Star Spangled Banner has always seemed to me to be a happy birthday tribute to our nation which won a decisive battle and then declared us the "land of the free and the home of the brave." Thank you, early veterans! So why not celebrate this battle song each July 4 and each New Year's Eve along with all the fireworks and flying flags, but no bombs. And let it be sung with great gusto by Americans and would-be Americans.

Other songs of America's beauty and our love for our country no longer seem appropriate to me. They represent a sweetness and faith we, as a world, no longer have. I don't think I could sing of spacious skies dotted with drones or polluted seas. But I could sing with gusto of the people of America and all the world as it is permeated by its creator (the great "I Am"), "maker of heaven and earth, of all that is, seen and unseen." I stand firmly with the now-spreading acceptance of a faith embracing nonduality. I accept that human potential can go so far because of unseen limitations. I side with absolute power.

What has revitalized me has been the beat of the African djembe drum, beating out every atom of life itself. Listening to it makes me want to dance, to laugh, to cry, to fight and to accept the hope and understanding that my God permeates us all and the universes. If I were a musician, I'd want to weave that drumbeat throughout a new song of light and darkness and celebration for America. Perhaps the whole earth is learning that "The fear of the Lord," as written in the Old Testament, "is the beginning of wisdom."

Perhaps attaining wisdom should reunite with the purposes of education.


North Little Rock

Vote against humanity

I watched the Democratic debate and felt embarrassed for Hillary Clinton. People are killing us the world over, and she won't even say "militant Muslims." She should be booed off stage. I think anyone who votes for this idiot is voting against humanity.

Our pansy-in-chief wants to have discussions about Paris, and Hillary apparently wants us to understand and feel sorry for the Muslims. We had a saying in 'Nam: Kill them all and let God sort them out. Carpet bombing works.

Vote for the Donald.


North Little Rock

Better world coming

A person can find, almost daily, an opinion on the pros and cons of climate change and how to prevent it. From a Christian viewpoint, I am in both views.

I believe that since the beginning of time, when man was excluded from a perfect world to a brier and thorny afflicted one, this clod of dirt we walk around on has been dying. While we may perhaps be able to slow the progress somewhat by our actions, we have the creator's own truths that we cannot stop it. Unless you live under a rock and never look out, you cannot deny the deadly earthquakes, volcanoes and even daily weather patterns, a fulfillment of these absolute truths and warnings.

The earth is groaning and shaking apart from its heavy load of mankind and his stuff. However, I believe the creator, God, is, at this moment, creating a new heaven and earth where nothing destructive will be allowed entrance, for evil will have been banished forever to its permanent habitation and it will be eternal separation from all that is perfect. Jesus, the creator of all things, has given us his word on this and how to arrive at this indestructible, perfect world. He alone paved the way when he visited this one we now walk around on by dying on an old rugged cross to purchase our salvation, going back to his home alive and well and now he awaits those who have believed and acted on this sacred promise.

Today is the accepted time, for we are not promised tomorrow. It may be at the door.



Don't ignore reasons

One is sickened and saddened by the slaughter in Paris. Yet ISIS and other jihadists are not indiscriminate in their attacks on the West. It seems they aim at countries that have occupied their lands, created puppet regimes there, dislocated their economies, and denigrated their local cultures.

Colonial subjects divide between accommodationists who reap benefits and identify with the West, and traditionalists who don't. Early resistance began as anti-colonial struggles that never fully succeeded. When all else failed, a violent imposition of traditional cultural dominance became the ultimate weapon of resistance.

Thus Islam has been transformed into an ideology sanctioning total war (jihad) by those who continued to resist the West, making it a very different religion from the Islam held by those who accommodated to the modern world.

Western countries have no choice but to defend themselves against terrorism, but if their response focuses entirely on wreaking revenge and fails to acknowledge the injury and turmoil the West has visited upon the Middle East, it will ignore the very issues that produced terrorism in the first place and ultimately come to naught.



Take responsibility

I was wondering why women who are of child-bearing age cannot take responsibility for their own bodies and prevent unwanted pregnancies. Why do taxpayers have to bear this responsibility? Health clinics provide free contraceptives for the asking.



Editorial on 11/21/2015

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