Super Quiz: Science

  1. What is a light-year?

  2. By what name is the number 3.14159 known?

  3. What term refers to (a) female swine, (b) male swine?

  4. What "table" is a tabular arrangement of the chemical elements?

  5. What does the Mohs scale rank?

  6. What animal has horn-like protuberances called ossicones on its head?

  7. How many claws does a normal domestic cat have?

  8. What ore is the main source of aluminum?

  9. With what mode of transportation is the name Christopher Cockerell associated?


  1. Distance light travels in a year

  2. Pi

  3. (a) sow, (b) boar or hog

  4. Periodic table

  5. Mineral hardness

  6. Giraffe (also okapi)

  7. Eighteen

  8. Bauxite

  9. Hovercraft

Weekend on 10/08/2015

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