It's all in the box

Halloween is when some people think outside the box, and others think in.

Costumes made out of cardboard boxes are quick, cheap and clever -- or dumb, annoying and lazy, all depending on which ghost writes the review.

In How to Design and Create a Halloween Costume (Kindle), author Christine Fazulyanov refuses to make anything out of a cardboard box. "We are talking legit costumes here," she objects. Real costumes take time to make, and it's supposed to be fun, according to this line of thinking.

But as something to throw on in a hurry, a good-size box does the trick with nothing more than holes cut for head and arms, and a bit of improvisation. Such as:

• Box with a ribbon and bow: I'm gifted. I'm yours. I've been re-gifted. Take me.

• Box with screen, dials and maybe some gears drawn or glued on it: robot. Computer. TV. Microwave oven.

• Box with a picture of a dog on the front: box terrier.

Family on 10/21/2015

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