School district: Student found with knives at Little Rock high school

A Little Rock Central High School student will face discipline from the school district after taking knives into the school Monday, a spokesman said.

Pamela Smith, a spokesman for the Little Rock School District, said one of the student’s classmates alerted the school’s staff of the weapons. She said the district appreciates that the classmate and staff helped keep a “safe and orderly campus.”

The school day ended without incident and parents were notified, Smith said.

Officer Richard Hilgeman, a spokesman for Little Rock police, had no details to disclose concerning the incident, saying a report wasn’t ready for release.

Smith said the student will face discipline outlined in the Little Rock School District’s student handbook. The last page of the handbook says no knives or weapons are permitted on school property and “violators will be disciplined and prosecuted.”

The handbook lists possessing a weapon as a “Category Four Offense.”

“Students found guilty of Category Four offenses will receive an expulsion recommendation. The Little Rock Police Department will be immediately notified and violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law,” the handbook reads.

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