Where Is It?

Fog rises from Lake Bennett at sunrise on a cool spring morning at Woolly Hollow State Park near Greenbrier.
Fog rises from Lake Bennett at sunrise on a cool spring morning at Woolly Hollow State Park near Greenbrier.

Michael Storey came across this sight during one of his Happy Trails rambles on trails in the state. Do you know where it is?

Hint: Named for the first director of the U.S. Soil Conservation Service, this 40-acre lake was built in the 1930s as the nation's first watershed erosion research project.


http://www.arkansas…">Where Is It?

Hint 2: The state park that contains the lake also includes a seismic monitoring station that picks up activity from area quarries and more than one nearby fault.

Think you know? See the answer on Page 3E.

-- Celia Storey

ActiveStyle on 07/18/2016

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