Super Quiz: Americana "C" + "C"

  1. Allen Funt's hidden-camera TV show

  2. He was later known as Muhammad Ali.

  3. He popularized the twist dance style.

  4. His screen persona was "the Little Tramp."

  5. "Admiral of the Ocean Sea"

  6. Fictional Chinese-American detective loosely based on real-life Honolulu, Hawaii, detective Chang Apana

  7. A transportation icon of San Francisco

  8. President Ronald Reagan regarded him as his favorite 20th-century president.

  9. Named Cape Kennedy from 1963 to 1973

  10. Candid Camera

  11. Cassius Clay

  12. Chubby Checker

  13. Charlie Chaplin

  14. Christopher Columbus

  15. Charlie Chan

  16. Cable car

  17. Calvin Coolidge

  18. Cape Canaveral

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