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Have a cuppa joe

Coffee drinkers got a dose of good news and bad news recently. The good news is that coffee is no longer considered carcinogenic. The bad news is that it can be if you drink it too hot. This re-emphasizes the common-sense rule of eating--and drinking. Don't do it to excess or extreme.

The results of a WHO study that found that drinking coffee--and any other beverage--at temperatures above 149 degrees could cause people to develop cancer of the esophagus. That is not necessarily a concern for those brewing a cup of coffee before work.

The common thread, however, through most of these reports is that moderation can minimize risk. A beer or a glass of wine is not dangerous--and can even promote good health. Still, three or four beers or glasses of wine a night are problematic.

This latest study is not a call to quit drinking coffee, but another call for common sense.

Editorial on 06/28/2016

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