On Christianity

DEAR REV. GRAHAM: How do you avoid being bitter or angry when someone hurts you or treats you unfairly? Some bad things happened between my brother and me a few months ago, and I'm having a hard time not being bitter -- especially since he blames it all on me.

-- K.D.

DEAR K.D.: Right now you can't control your brother's attitude -- but you can control yours, and I pray you will (with God's help), because otherwise nothing good is going to come from this situation.

Why do I say this? The reason is because anger and bitterness are like poisons to our minds and souls. Your anger and bitterness won't change your brother; in fact, they'll probably only make the situation worse. But they will change you -- and it won't be for the better. Instead, they may turn you into someone who finds it hard to get along with others. After all, no one wants to be friends with an angry, bitter person. The Bible says, "See to it ... that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many" (Hebrews 12:15).

How should you deal with this? First, give your bitterness and anger -- and your life -- to Jesus. Be honest about your inability to conquer them, and ask Him to help you put them into His hands. Don't excuse them, but see them are they really are -- as sins that need God's forgiveness.

Then ask Him to give you a new love for your brother. Does this sound impossible? Yes, I'm sure it does. But the key is to begin seeing your brother the way God sees him -- as someone He loves, in spite of what he's done. Then pray for him, asking God to change him and help him face his need to be reconciled to Jesus Christ -- and also to you.

Write to Billy Graham in care of Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, 1 Billy Graham Parkway, Charlotte, N.C. 28201 or visit the website at


HomeStyle on 05/28/2016

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