Super Quiz: Portmanteau words

  1. Brunch

  2. Infomercial

  3. Transistor

  4. Grexit

  5. Tanzania

  6. Bio-pic

  7. Modem

  8. Clasp

  9. Smog


  1. A meal that combines breakfast and lunch: breakfast + lunch

  2. A commercial providing information: information + commercial

  3. It controls the flow of electricity: transfer + resistor.

  4. Greek withdrawal from the eurozone: Greece + exit

  5. New African republic: Tanganyika + Zanzibar

  6. A biographical film: biography + picture

  7. It connects a computer to a telephone line: modulator + demodulator.

  8. A metal object used to fasten a piece of jewelry: clutch + grasp

  9. A form of air pollution: smoke + fog

Food on 11/09/2016

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