
From mouths of babes

These are the comments by my great-granddaughter. She couldn't go to sleep, so her parents let her sit up and watch the last presidential debate: "So both of those people want to be the next 'prisoner' of the United States?" "Why are they both being so silly?" "They aren't being very polite. They keep interrupting each other." "He said 'stupid.' That's a bad word. He's going to have to tell God he's sorry."

Ellie lives in Lincoln, Neb., and is only 4 years old.

Enough said!



My moment to decide

"Once to every time and nation, comes the moment to decide ..." We sang those words with great gusto. It was the early 1940s, and our world was exploding with war. Daily, friends were leaving college to serve their country. Though decades have passed, those words flash again on my mind's screen. So much hangs in the balance of today's choices. Morals have eroded during those years, so much that I blush as I watch the news or read today's best-seller.

Now we are confronted with two primary candidates asking to lead our country, and I am astounded. The principles that guide my life forbid that I vote for either of them based on their lifestyles. Yet the time has come to take a stand for or against. So what do I stand for? Honesty; integrity. Well, I don't see that in either of them. What must be considered next?

Which candidate is more likely to appoint Supreme Court justices who support my conservative ideas? Which will cooperate better with Congress and listen to the people? Would they secure our borders, welcome strangers who support our democracy and who have no criminal records? Would they be against the death penalty not only for proven murderers, but including the death of innocent fetuses conceived by consensual sex? Would they work seriously to reduce our outrageous national debt, or add more free government programs? Reviewing our tax system should remove loopholes and allow small businesses to survive. Big business and foreign governments should be restricted from influencing our representation. Enough!

Pick up the ballot. Vote. My vote will be for Mr. Trump and Mr. Pence. though Mr. Trump's personality repels me, I believe they are more likely to promote justices and legislation that reflect my beliefs. What a blessed privilege to vote. It is my moment.



Give women a voice

If you read the Perspective and B sections of this newspaper, you may recognize these names and faces: David Brooks, John Brummett, Tom Dillard, Bradley R. Gitz, Paul Greenberg, Dana D. Kelley, Paul Krugman, Philip Martin, Mike Masterson, Rex Nelson, Charles Krauthammer.

Mrs. Clinton is about to smash that glass ceiling and walk into the White House. Isn't it time to give women columnists an equal voice in this newspaper?


North Little Rock

Death to robo-callers!

Some simple, free advice to candidates: Promise, when elected, to push for legislation that declares the deployment of robo-callers to be a capital, criminal offense, punishable by death! This should guarantee several million votes.


North Little Rock

Bridging differences

Since volunteering to help with the historic White River Bridge at Clarendon bridge-save project, I've had great interest in hiking bridges. Needless to say, I've been eagerly anticipating the Harahan Bridge festivities at West Memphis for months. I was privileged to get a glimpse of the Harahan even before the Virginia creeper had been cleared away. I couldn't wait to see it upon completion--to actually walk across the Mighty Mississippi. What a feat by the visionaries who crafted such a brilliant adventure--an adventure for all.

Arkansas dignitaries at the Harahan grand opening were equally stoked and praised trail development in Central and Eastern Arkansas, from the Big Dam Bridge at Little Rock to the Mississippi River Trail destined to link Memphis, Helena, and even little old Arkansas City in the future. Trails bring lifetime hobbies, a healthier citizenry, and much-needed economic benefits to any area where they're developed. Trails are also a "bridge" between people, engendering symbiotic connections on many levels. The vision of the Harahan will bolster greater opportunity for Memphis while developing West Memphis as a destination city in tandem.

Thank you, Harahan visionaries, and a hearty congratulations! Your day was perfect, and your future is bright. And I'm yet again hopeful of saving the White River Bridge at Clarendon and someday hiking through the treetops of the Big Woods of Arkansas--another adventure, not only for Eastern Arkansas, but for the whole wide world.



Can't ignore problem

I'm grateful that Rick Owen's letter re climate change got published. I was also wondering why this very important issue had been off the radar screen. There was nothing about it in the debates, nothing in the news. It seems Republican legislators decided not to even mention this issue. I guess they think it is better to ignore it and be fat, dumb and happy and kick the can down the road!

According to many scientists, climate change presents great challenges to communities, economies and ecosystems. The ice sheet covering Greenland is melting at an alarming rate, small islands are being overrun by the sea, creating climate refugees, and shorelines are receding. We've had the hottest summers during the past 10 years.

Ignoring something does not make it go away. By the time we get serious about this, it'll probably be too late.



Editorial on 10/26/2016

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