Super Quiz: Science

  1. What animal's diet is highly dependent on bamboo?

  2. Term for an adult female horse

  3. What type of animal is the largest primate in the world?

  4. Table salt consists of what two elements bonded together?

  5. What color is hemoglobin?

  6. What kind of rock is formed as a result of heat and pressure?

  7. What kind of waves are used to make and receive cellphone calls?

  8. Mycology is the study of ----------.

  9. What is amazing about the hypothetical subatomic particle tachyon?


  1. Giant panda

  2. Mare

  3. Gorilla

  4. Sodium (Na) and Chlorine (Cl)

  5. Red

  6. Metamorphic rock

  7. Radio waves

  8. Fungi

  9. It always travels faster than the speed of light.

Food on 08/09/2017

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