OPINION — Editorial

A piece of fruitcake, anyone?

Just as you suspected, fruitcake is indestructible. No wonder it has so many uses--from a doorstop to the kind of gift that never stops being re-gifted. Indeed, it's good for anything with the possible exception of being eaten.

We know of one all too common case in which two families have been exchanging the same festively packaged fruitcake for years. And now Lizzie Meek of the New Zealand-based Antarctic Heritage Trust reports that a fruitcake discovered in a hut used by none other than British explorer and adventurer Robert Falcon Scott back in 1911 "looked and smelled edible" even if it is now 106 years old. Oh, yummy. All it lacks is guests willing to eat it. The thing clearly deserves its own place in a museum rather than on a plate for high tea.

Editorial on 08/17/2017

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