Super Quiz: Animals: CA

  1. It has humps.

  2. They elect the new pope.

  3. A fish with whiskers

  4. Cows and bulls kept by farmers for their milk or meat

  5. A large deer

  6. As a verb it means to complain or find fault in a petty way.

  7. A hookah-smoking creature in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

  8. A large bovine of southern Africa having upward-curving horns

  9. The world's largest rodent


  1. Camel

  2. Cardinals

  3. Catfish

  4. Cattle

  5. Caribou

  6. Carp

  7. Caterpillar

  8. Cape buffalo

  9. Capybara

ActiveStyle on 08/28/2017

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