Super Quiz: Science

  1. How many days does it take Earth to spin once on its axis?

  2. What insect transmits malaria?

  3. Who sailed to the Antarctic aboard the Discovery in the early 1900s?

  4. What is the basic unit for storing computer information?

  5. Hansen's disease is better known as __.

  6. Robert Hooke coined this four-letter term for describing the basic unit of life.

  7. This black, hard volcanic glass is formed by rapid cooling of lava.

  8. What do the British call "kerosene"?

  9. Podzol is a type of____.


  1. One day

  2. Mosquito

  3. Capt. Robert Falcon Scott

  4. Byte

  5. Leprosy

  6. Cell

  7. Obsidian

  8. Paraffin

  9. Soil

Food on 02/08/2017

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