Gadgets & Gizmos

Hot Logic Mini
Hot Logic Mini

Hot Logic recently introduced Hot Logic Mini, a "personal portable oven for use in the office, the jobsite, a campsite or wherever you have an outlet."

The product is a case with handle. Its heat-reflective interior amplifies and maintains heat. The heat comes from a black "Smart Shelf" that cooks and holds the temperature while we go about our daily business. It comes in four colors and can be used with your own glass, plastic or foil packaging, and frozen dinners -- with lids. Maximum temperature is about 200 degrees.

We tried it for preparing frozen meals and fresh food from scratch.

The frozen meals came out great. After about 2 hours they were ready to eat without those dreaded crunchy spots that come from uneven microwave cooking. We also made chicken thighs layered on top of potatoes and mushrooms. The thighs came out moist and tender. The potatoes underneath weren't done even after four hours. We probably should have sliced them thinner instead of into small chunks.

For more information, visit


Food on 01/04/2017

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