Family: Attracting adults to the library with a personal touch

According to a Pew Research Center survey released in late 2016, 73 percent of adults say they read at least one book in the preceding year, a number that has held steady since 2012. And the average number of books the survey respondents reported having read in the past year has held steady, too, at 12.

But with all the competition for our free time — binge-worthy TV shows, blockbuster movies, immersive video games, social media and more — one library system in North Carolina is ensuring adults still maintain their interests in reading through the Express Book Bags program.

Adults can fill out a short form asking about favorite books and authors, not-so-favorite books and authors, preferred genres and more, and find waiting for them three books hand-picked by librarians already checked out and ready to go.

Read more about the program in Wednesday’s Family section.

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