
Freeloaders get no say

Well, as a buddy of mine used to say, I'm just being an opinion.

I find it rather hypocritical when churches put a swarm of American flags about their premises and provide not one cent to the running and building of this nation. And yet, despite being exceedingly stingy in this regard, they wish to use their church welfare status to tell people how this country ought to be run.

No taxes, no voice. Don't tell us how to do things if you don't contribute anything toward getting it done. Freeloaders don't get to tell folks how to drive their vehicles.


Little Rock

What election's about

I am voting without hesitation to extend the millage for the Little Rock School District to finance much-needed construction, repair, remodeling, and other needs. While I agree that opponents may have philosophical merit to their arguments, I find absolutely no practical, child-focused value regarding the welfare of the students with their opposition.

To postpone a vote to secure financing for crucial learning and teaching environments within the district does a tremendous disservice to the students. If a child is not on grade level at the conclusion of third grade, research clearly demonstrates that that child is not likely to do well for the remainder of his years.

This election is not about who is in charge, it is about an opportunity to provide a safer, cleaner, sounder learning environment. It is about keeping kids in the district, not losing them to alternative education choices. This election is not about fragile egos or power. It is about an elected board that has an historic reputation for divisiveness, conflict, ad hominem attacks and disruptive interference in administrative roles. We want to hold leadership personally accountable. The key to restoring local control may very well be a positive outcome on this vote demonstrating responsible action for the kids.

This election is about the kids. It is about the condition of the teaching and learning environment. To call this election "taxation without representation" is a wholly false descriptor. The people of the district will either vote for or against the millage extension; it is not an increase.

Personally, I am a product of the public schools, as are my parents and my four brothers. My daughter is a graduate of the LRSD; my granddaughter attended public schools within the city for four years. I do care enough about the kids, the children, their learning environment. I will cast a proud vote for the millage extension, for the kids!


Little Rock

How to avoid a war?

President Trump's question about the American Civil War between the states begs an answer.

How could a war in Europe been avoided with Hitler and Mussolini and power? How could war in the Pacific had been avoided after Pearl Harbor?

Yes, the American hostilities could have been avoided, but not judgment.



Should take part in it

It was reported that certain aspects of the recent executions by lethal injection were kept secret. None of the attorneys or witnesses were allowed to see or hear some of what the state was doing in preparation of killing the inmates. What is the state doing that they are afraid of the public knowing? Most people and organizations don't mind everyone knowing what they are doing and how they are doing it if everything is done correctly and legally.

Over the doors of torture chambers during the Spanish Inquisition was a sign that was meant to instill terror in the victim. The signs read, "Dark theatres are suitable for dark deeds"; Arkansas seems to join in this feeling. Keep the public from knowing what is being done to the inmates before their death. Keep the preparations in the dark so no one will know what is really happening.

How about this method: The death chamber at the Cummins Death Factory will be circled by 15 small rooms big enough for one person, a window, a button and a shade. Alone in each room will be the jurors, prosecutor, judge and the governor who signed the death warrant. When execution time arrives, each shade will be raised so each person in each room can see the inmate's face. The people who want that person dead must each push their button within 15 seconds and watch the inmate die; if at the end of 15 seconds, each button isn't pushed, the shades close and the inmate's sentence is automatically altered to life without parole.

Too many people in this country are big-time "law and order" and want people to die for their crimes, yet they also want someone else to do their killing for them. The juries, prosecutors, judges and governors are always happy to condemn someone to death, wash their hands, walk away and tell someone else to kill the person. If these people want an inmate dead, they should do the killing; and the governor must be there in person, not send some flunky.


Little Rock

Possum Poot's choice

As mayor of Possum Poot, I often face weighty decisions. As a proud member of the GOP (God's Own Party), I have good guidance from the likes of Brother Rapert and Brother Asa as well as Brother Cotton and Sister Leslie. Even then I find myself for two or three nights in a row curled up in my King James beanbag chair with my King James Bible clutched tightly to my knees.

After one such spell of this, dealing with a very weighty decision, I took a break. I slipped into a bar where I knew Professor Phogbottom would be spouting his librul nonsense. I listened for a bit, got my moral compass back on track and left.

Back in the office I examined the problem again. The manufacturer of our replica of the Ten Commandments has offered me an option on it. Our monument will be better than the one at the state Capitol. On ours we can either not have the "Thou Shalt Not Kill" lit up during execution weeks or, even better, just have the "Not" be dark during those times. This decision cost me a lot of sleep, but with these options I am comfortable and look forward to demonstrating them when the monument is installed. I kind of like the "Thou Shalt Kill" for executions.

Praise the Lord and pass the Possum Poot!


Little Rock

Editorial on 05/09/2017

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