
Deplorable comments

A few comments on Howell Medders' encounter with the "deplorable" old man. First of all, Medders never states at what time during the encounter that the old man jumped up on his soapbox to declare his allegiance to President Trump. Were the comments the old man made inappropriate? Maybe so, I was not there. For Medders to assume the old man voted for President Trump is wrong. Remember the old adage, "never assume." Left-wingers assumed that Hillary would be elected president.

Second, I don't know anyone who regrets voting for President Trump, but many who regret voting for certain members of Congress who refuse to back the president.

Third, I don't know any conservatives that are anti-immigrant, anti- Muslim, or homophobic. However, I do know some who are anti-illegal immigration, anti-Islamic terrorism and want to live by their own beliefs without fear of having their lives destroyed.

Fourth, Hillary spent $565 million to Trump's $322 million. So the party of the rich appears to be the fear/hate- mongering Democrats.

As far as Russian interference, well, if Ted Kennedy were still with us, you could ask him.


Little Rock

He keeps fire burning

In this crazy world of ours, there are some that see only certain people as bad. People forget God did not make a perfect person. Charles Manson is a good example of not a perfect person.

Camille Rawls from Bryant wrote to the Voices page to put an end to racism. I really couldn't care less about who likes me and who doesn't. I do know God loves me and that is all that matters. Why worry about man when he does not love himself? Satan has his people to keep the hate fire burning. Satan wants to keep his kingdom full.

Camille said, sure, some kids do fulfill this thug perspective of an African American. Jeffrey Dahmer and Adam Lanza were not black. To murder 20 little kids says a lot about a young white male, but I guess it is OK in America. Most young black males murder each other, and not by the dozen. Dylann Roof murdered nine Christians and he is not Muslim.

Hatred and killing have no race. Everyone will be judged by God for what they do, not by skin color. Just remember whosoever hates his brother is a murderer and will not enter into the kingdom of God.



All citizens of planet

I have had a wonderful life and will continue to have a wonderful life. If I am able to help others to have a wonderful life, then mine will be that much more wonderful. I am willing to do whatever I can to help, and I know that others are willing to do the same.

To those who are living in fear, please know that we cherish our freedoms and know you cherish freedom as well. That is why you "chose" to come here. The vast majority of Americans who want you to go away have never had to make the choice of where to live, let alone whether to risk life and limb to afford a decent life for them and their families. They were fortunate enough to be born into a time and place of great freedoms and economic possibilities.

Please don't lose hope. There are millions in the U.S. who know that we are all citizens of the planet, separated only by imaginary lines. May fortune bless us all.


Eureka Springs

Nature of the conflict

A wise man once said, "God must loves fools; he made so many of them." An example of that truth is the black-robed fools of the 9th Circuit who apparently feel all Muslims are good, which is just as incorrect as those who say all Muslims are evil.

Conflicts in the past centuries were never caused by wide religious differences, where most conflicts had Christians and Muslims on both sides. The Moorish conquest of the majority of Iberian Peninsula in 711 was territorial and mercantile in nature, and few Christians were harmed once control was established. Later King Ferdinand persecuted and expelled the Muslims and the Jews, who were then rescued by the Ottoman Sultan Bayezid.

Throughout history, there have been frequent occurrences of Muslim leaders being tolerant of Christians while predecessors or successors were despots to all their subjects. Religious intolerance around Jerusalem was used to trigger the Crusades, but was not widespread across the Muslim world then nor now.

This is not a defense of the radical Islamic crazies in the Middle East. Some scholars attribute Wahhabism for the basis of the violent nature of Sunni radicalism practiced by ISIS and similar groups. Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab, for whom this strict form of Islam is named, was a conservative cleric whose daughter married into the Saud family, for which Saudi Arabia is named.

We must recognize the majority of Muslims are genuinely decent people as opposed to being at war with their entire faith. The 9th Circuit needs to quit playing the petty game of "We hate Donald" and focus on the reality that dangerous individuals from the six Middle Eastern countries may attempt to enter the United States and inflict acts of terrorism. Restriction and additional screening steps are appropriate no matter what the source of the order.


Hot Springs

Examine the hatred

Thank you for publishing the overtly racist invective of Mr. Dana Kelley in your May 19 edition. It reminded me why I canceled my subscription to your newspaper.

Every word and thought in his piece "The parallel tragedy" was a cudgel aimed squarely at young black men.

Mr. Kelley has two choices. He can examine his hatred of slang and African American vernacular English, why he associates it with criminality and low-paying jobs, and why he isn't surprised Kalius Lane ended up a shooter. (In actuality, a suspected shooter, not yet confirmed by our legal system.) Or he can remain planted in his vile ignorance.

It's clear which choice you think your readership prefers.



Editorial on 05/26/2017

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