Super Quiz: Science

  1. The Roman numeral for 500

  2. What did an apothecary prepare and sell?

  3. Instrument used to observe remote objects

  4. The world's largest rodent

  5. In which country is the site of the Chernobyl disaster?

  6. From what is the name "Fortran" (programming language) derived?

  7. Percy Shaw patented the cat's eye in 1934. What is it?

  8. Common name for the heptahydrate sulfate mineral epsomite

  9. Element that is the coating of choice for concentrated solar power reflectors


  1. D

  2. Medicines and drugs

  3. Telescope

  4. Capybara

  5. Ukraine

  6. Formula Translation

  7. Reflective road stud

  8. Epsom salt

  9. Silver

MovieStyle on 10/13/2017

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