
Heap on the blame

How snowflaky. In her piece, "Rudeness on display," Ms. Joanne Cleaver whines that two men, Mike Pence and Chuck Schumer, didn't jump in and save the most powerful woman in the country from mean ol' Trump.

Wow. How weak can you be? When you can't blame just one white man, blame three white men.


Horseshoe Bend

Drama at North Pole

Word from the North Pole today is not good. According to a source who asked not to be identified, the long marriage between Santa and Edwina Claus may be headed for the coal pile. Evidently, as Christmas fast approaches, Mrs. Claus has drawn a line in the snow concerning Santa's yearly all-nighter. For years, rumors have persisted about Santa's own "naughtiness." According to the source, Santa faces many temptations during his rounds, but seems to have a weakness for a "Snickerdoodle" when it is offered.

For centuries, while Santa has been out gallivanting all night long on Dec. 24, Edwina has waited patiently for his return, turning a blind eye to these supposed indiscretions. In surely what is a sign of the times, however, she has made it clear to Santa that that type of behavior will no longer be tolerated by her. She evidently has informed the crimson-clad one, in no uncertain terms, that if he insists on taking flight next week she will not be on the property when he returns.

For years, aspersions have been cast upon his alibi about taking a magical sleigh pulled by flying reindeer around the circumference of the globe in one night. Santa has also been known to be a quick winker. Mrs. Claus has done the math. Where there is smoke, there is fire, and it's not coming from Santa's pipe. Edwina is finally fed up. Mr. Claus could not be reached for comment.



Nothing to do with it

What do Santa Claus, reindeer, mistletoe, and all the trimmings of the day have to do with Jesus' birth? Jesus was not born on Dec. 25. There were shepherds in the field watching their flocks by night.

The Bible tells us to remember his death, but nowhere tells us to celebrate his birth.



Comes down to funds

Another mass shooting and the United States Congress is paralyzed because of money. What will it take for them to get off their Royal Americans and pass some common-sense gun laws? We don't have to put up with this, but if we continue to elect the same people and expect different results, we'll never get beyond it.

I watch Morning Joe every weekday and last spring he had a graphic showing how much the NRA had contributed to certain congresspeople. This is the reason the NRA and gun manufacturers control our gun laws; it's about money, not lives. The president has flip-flopped on raising the age to 21 to purchase a gun. He was more afraid of the NRA than he admitted.

Personally, I didn't know so many companies gave discounts to NRA members. Why them? Am I and others supporting the NRA through pricing?

As I understand the Arkansas law, no one is required to come to the defense of another person. It's strictly self-defense, so don't expect anyone to take a chance for your benefit if you're attacked in a parking lot, store, church or school. Perhaps a military person or an off-duty police officer who has had defensive training will, but don't count on it. We still have to depend on the security officers.


Bella Vista

Drive legally, safely

Screeching tires pierced the night air. I jerked around in time to see one man go under the speeding car and another bouncing off the windshield, then flying over the car. One man died at the scene and the other in less than 24 hours. This happened in a work zone on Interstate 30 over the Arkansas River. It was a direct result of a driver speeding through a work zone and ignoring all safety standards.

Each time I drive I-630 in Little Rock, I am one of the few obeying the speed limit. Nearly all other vehicles are passing me, changing lanes without signals, following too closely and other obvious violations. This is most evident in work zones. Yet this year I've only observed police interaction on two occasions, one of which was after a wreck.

We need more enforcement and safer drivers. The workers in those zones are in greater danger, as are all motorists, due to the driving violations. Drivers will not obey the law without proper and diligent enforcement. Once a driver gets away with such violations several times, it becomes an unsafe driving habit.

Those of you reading this, please drive responsibly--that means legally and safely. Do your part to keep everyone safer.



A reason to celebrate

There is one absolutely universal reason to celebrate this season, one that can be enjoyed by all religions, humans, mammals, birds, fish, and plants. At 4:23 p.m. Dec. 21, the sun will cease its trip to the south and begin moving north.

Happy Solstice, y'all.


Little Rock

Editorial on 12/18/2018

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