
Interpretations differ

To the person who wrote the recent letter who indicated that there should be only one interpretation of biblical text, especially on the subject of homosexuality, you obviously don't know your history of biblical text and its interpretation. You indicated that there was time there was only one way to interpret the Bible text, but that is not historically correct.

My credentials are: I am an ordained United Methodist clergy, educated at an accredited seminary. One requirement was Christian history.

The Church fathers called several councils to deal with differing interpretations of biblical texts, heresies. From these they formed our creeds, Apostolic and Nicene. Martin Luther had a differing interpretation than the established Roman Catholic authority. So began the Protestant movement.

Southern plantation owners used their interpretations to justify slavery differing from abolitionists. I have many other examples from history.

Two final notes: Jesus debated with the high priests, Pharisees, and scribes over differing interpretations of Old Testament texts.

The day conservative evangelicals and progressive liberal Christians can come to an agreement on the truth of the love which God through Jesus wants us to share with all people--amen!



Meddling with votes

The Russians are meddling in our elections, but I believe so are the Democrats, and the Democrats are much more dangerous.



About death penalty

People and some ministers carry signs saying, "Do away with the death penalty." I believe they do not go by the Bible.

In Genesis it says, "Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed, for in the image of God made he man." They do not go by the Bible, God's word.



Changes could help

I think that it is a good idea to widen I-630. Daily on the way to school I find myself in slow-moving traffic, and I hope with this change that it helps with this.


Little Rock

Editorial on 07/21/2018

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