
Discriminating tastes

Let me start this letter by stating I am racist. By definition, a racist feels discrimination against other races. When I see an African American or Hispanic American, I discriminate; I notice they are different from me. For me this is an unconscious action; I don't know how I could stop it. Yet I like to believe I treat everyone the same, regardless of race.

Which brings me to Bradley Gitz's op-ed on the controversy at Starbucks, where the police were called when two black men loitered in the cafe. Professor Gitz's message seems twofold: One, hey minorities, we no longer lynch you or force you to sit in the back of the bus, so when everyday discrimination pops up and you are treated with undue suspicion, just stay quiet and accept it. You are so much better off today. And his second message is that if you do stand up and point out this latent racism, you are just party to a dangerous narrative being conducted by the Democratic Party. Never mind that unconscious bias is still bias, or that the leader of the Republican Party is happy to accept the support of the racists who would be happy to turn back the clock and put you at a separate lunch counter, or even lynch you.

If I can agree with Dr. Gitz, I don't like identity politics. Racism knows no skin color; there are people who hate me because of mine. But today the table is still tilted against the minorities of the country, and until the playing field is level I expect them to call out latent racism whenever it occurs.



Pick an age already ...

At what age do we become adults, with attendant rights and responsibilities? Is it 12 or 13 when we entrust our young with cell phones and the Internet? Is it 15 or 16 when we license them up and turn them loose in a 4,000-pound road monster? Is it 18 when we let them vote and join the military and get abortions and marry and contract and many other adult things? Or is it 21 when we let them smoke or drink or buy a gun?

We need to pick an age and stick with it. I feel if an American is old enough to join the Army and die for us, he should be able to drink a beer.


Horseshoe Bend

More taxes? Why not?

It appears our counterfeit conservative, smoke-blowing, bull-shooting governor has drained our state finances. It's so serious it seems he whispered to his tax council that an increase on groceries may be the best solution. After all, someone has to make up the nice income-tax cut he gave the state's better-offs.

I can't think of anyone more experienced than Asa, lest maybe Hillary. Just pull the Asa lever and he can say that's what the people wanted--more taxes.


Heber Springs

Editorial on 05/07/2018

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