Lock and unload

New research from the University of Washington shows gun owners in this state must do a much better job of securing their weapons at home.

The research based on telephone health surveys conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found just over a third of Washington gun owners reported their weapons were locked properly and unloaded when not in use.

What are the others thinking?

They must believe that no one they live with will ever be suicidal and grab a readily available loaded gun and shoot himself. They might also believe the fairy tale that their house will never be burglarized and the gun later used to commit a violent crime.

Health and crime statistics would prove them wrong.

Thousands of handguns are stolen each year, and many are used to commit other crimes. In 2012, more than $4.5 million worth of firearms was reported stolen in Washington state. The FBI and local police say guns used in violent crime can often be traced back to a burglary.

Gun owners should do the right thing and properly store and unload their guns at home.

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