Super Quiz: The ? of ?

  1. The original home of Adam and Eve

  2. A musical based on the memoir of Maria von Trapp

  3. A sculpture in New York harbor

  4. A Pulitzer Prize-winning novel by John Steinbeck

  5. A 1939 musical fantasy film starring Judy Garland

  6. Play by Shakespeare in which Shylock appears

  7. A title given to the first son and heir of the British monarch

  8. The organization that preceded the United Nations

  9. The lower house of the Parliament of the United Kingdom


  1. The Garden of Eden

  2. The Sound of Music

  3. The Statue of Liberty

  4. The Grapes of Wrath

  5. The Wizard of Oz

  6. The Merchant of Venice

  7. The Prince of Wales

  8. The League of Nations

  9. The House of Commons

HomeStyle on 02/09/2019

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