Super Quiz: Blanks

  1. The Bay of Pigs incident involved an invasion of _.

  2. Film Quotation: "There's no _ in baseball."

  3. Title of a TV show: The Price Is _".

  4. Frank Gorshin portrayed the _ on TV's Batman.

  5. In the comic strip, Broom Hilda is a _.

  6. Richard _ is a founder of the Virgin Group Ltd.

  7. A _ saw cuts lengthwise with the grain.

  8. Erskine Caldwell wrote _ Road.

  9. The Miracle _ is a play derived from Helen Keller's autobiography.


  1. Cuba.

  2. Crying.

  3. Right.

  4. Riddler.

  5. Witch.

  6. Branson.

  7. Rip.

  8. Tobacco.

  9. Worker.

HomeStyle on 01/19/2019

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