Oil and Gas Report

The Arkansas Oil and Gas Commission last week issued one well completion and six well recompletions. By county, they were:


COLUMBIA -- Albemarle Corporation of Magnolia, Ark. for BSW No. 78, 24-hr. prod. not available in Smackover Lime Form. of Warnock Springs Fld. Drilled to TD: 11,598 ft., perf. 10,370-11,448 OA. ft. LOC. SHL: 1,866 ft. SHL & 1,710 ft. FEL of SEC. 1-17S-20W. Workover done June 27.


CLEBURNE -- XTO Energy Inc. of Oklahoma City for Ballew No. 1-22H, 24-hr. prod. not available in Fayetteville Form. of B-43 Fld. Drilled to TD: 9,988 ft., perf. 5,700-9,892 OA ft. Loc. SHL: 270 ft. FNL & 1,795 ft. FWL and BHL: 27 ft. FSL & 604 ft. FWL of Sec. 22-9N-9W. Workover done June 27.

XTO Energy Inc. for Lonesome Duck Farms No. 4-15H, 24-hr. prod. not available in Fayetteville Form. of B-43 Fld. Drilled to TD: 8,922 ft., perf. 4,670-8,812 OA ft. Loc. SHL: 243 ft. FSL & 1,135 ft. FEL and BHL: 485 ft. FNL & 2,058 ft. FEL of Sec. 15-9N-9W. Workover done June 26.

JACKSON -- XTO Energy Inc. for Benny No. 1-16H, 24-hr. prod. not available in Fayetteville Form. of B-43 Fld. Drilled to TD: 5,250 ft., perf. 2,036-5,140 OA ft. Loc. SHL: 300 ft. FSL & 1,200 ft. FWL and BHL: 1,602 ft. FNL & 1,664 ft. FWL of Sec. 16-10N-5W. Workover done June 7.

OUACHITA -- Smith G., Oil LLC of Smackover, Ark. for Brocket No. 4, 24-hr. prod. not available in Graves Form. of Smackover Fld. Drilled to TD: 2,720 ft., perf. 2,457-2,478 ft., 2,480-2,487 ft. SEC. 26-15S-16W. Workover done June 20.

WHITE -- XTO Energy Inc. for Reeves No. 2-24H, 24-hr. prod. not available in Fayetteville Form. of B-43 Fld. Drilled to TD: 10,634 ft., perf. 6,410-9,732 OA ft. Loc. SHL: 200 ft. FNL & 1,650 ft. FWL and BHL: 483 ft. FSL & 643 ft. FWL of Sec. 24-8N-10W. Workover done June 25.

XTO Energy Inc. for Thacker No. 7-25H36, 24-hr. prod. not available in Fayetteville Form. of B-43 Fld. Drilled to TD: 10,353 ft., perf. 6,340-10,222 OA ft. Loc. SHL: 100 ft. FSL & 1,377 ft. FWL and BHL: 574 ft. FSL & 1,743 ft. FWL of Sec. 25-8N-10W. Workover done June 21.


Loc. -- location; Perf. -- perforations; FEL -- from the east line; FNL -- from the north line; FSL -- from the south line; FWL -- from the west line; FEUL -- from the east unit line; FWUL -- from the west unit line; FNUL -- from the north unit line; FSUL -- from the south unit line; MCF -- thousand cubic feet; bbl -- barrel; MD -- measured depth; TD -- total depth; TVD -- true vertical depth; PBTD -- plug back total depth; BHL -- bottom hole location; PBHL -- proposed bottom hole location; SHL -- surface hole location; OA -- overall; N/A -- not available.

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